Monday, June 22, 2020


Migration of this Archive

This website is being reconstructed at This is a work in progress. This old version (which you are now reading) will remain in place, but all additional edits and changes will take place only at the new site

Recent additions to this archive ...

A video narrative of the church (1 hour) in 4 parts is available
The purpose of the CUCC Archive is to preserve the history and the story of Community UCC in Raleigh. This includes the written history, the photographic history, the oral history, and the arts and culture of the church.

This will by necessity be an ongoing project, as the story of CUCC is a continuing saga. So all that this project can hope to accomplish is to document and record some of the steps in this ongoing process.

The archive is split into the groupings represented by the tabs at the top ...

Collections - The "Collections" include two scrapbooks, one assembled around 1959 and the other in 1981. In addition, "Remembrances" dates from 1981 and consists of transcriptions of interviews with most active church members in 1981 conducted by church historian Ann Elleman. The video narrative of the church was put together by Lavon Page in spring 2016. And there are two photo collections, one from the 1940s and one from the 1980s and 1990s.

Pulpit - Features many sermons (video mostly) as well as other presentations during worship in the church sanctuary

Music - Audio and video recordings of musical performances at CUCC. Many of these are by the choir, but many are by ordinary church members who are simply sharing their voices or skills in various church settings. The musical heritage is immense. It includes children’s songs and many instrumental pieces by church members, and massive renditions by the CUCC Choir of such jewels as the Vivaldi Gloria and Mozart Requiem (not to mention the joyful songs of numerous Christmas parties).

People - Lots of stories about people in the church, including news articles, celebrations, and obituaries.

Stories - This is a highly varied batch of audio and video treasures. It includes true works of art such as Geraldine Bryan’s creative stories that prod our imaginations and enrich our souls. It includes numerous structured and ad hoc stories, from the short stories of Bernie Brown to presentations from the CUCC Sunday Forum, and from the radio commentaries of Nancy Keppel to the recorded poems of Keith Petersen.

Documents - Church records, newspaper articles about the church, letters, sermons, written histories, etc. This differs from the "Collections" tab in that these items have been stored over the years as individual items rather than having been assembled into some larger collection. But in some instances items have been archived in multiple locations and in forms where the quality varies. For example, some newspaper clippings are scans of the original, and in other instances scans of photocopies of the originals.

Community - Community UCC and its ancestors (going back at least 100 years) have long involved themselves in the life of the community. Find some of these stories in this portion of the archive.

Special Events - Youth Sundays, Confirmation Services, Christmas pageants, plays, skits, and other non-musical performances or programs.

Explore and Enjoy! It’s your church heritage.

Robert Parrish participation in Juneteenth Celebration

Alexus Rhone, a close friend and frequent visitor to CUCC, presented a virtual program on Juneteenth 2020. One of the participants and presenters was our own Robert Parrish, long time CUCC member. The video includes the entire program, but it begins with Robert's presentation which starts 48 minutes into the program.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hello from Pastor Lacey Brown

In May 2020 Pastor Lacey Brown became the pastor of Community UCC. The COVID pandemic had begun in March, and Lacey arrived at a church where the church facilities were in lock down. On May 6, 2020, Pastor Lacey gave her official "hello" to her new congregation ...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saying Goodbye to Pastors Carol and Tony

On April 19, 2020 the congregation shared a video goodbye and thank you to bridge pastors Carol Ripley-Moffitt and Tony Hoshaw.  Carol and Tony served jointly during the period July 2019 through April 2020.

Pastor Carol Ripley-Moffitt - Final Sermon

Pastor Carol Ripley-Moffitt served as temporary pastor during two different periods 20 years apart. During 2000-2002 she served as "interim" pastor prior to the long term service of Pastor Steve Halsted who arrived in 2002. And then for almost a year during 2019-2020, Pastor Carol served with Tony Hoshaw as "bridge" pastor during yet another transitional period. Her final sermon was delivered on April 19, 2020 as part of a "virtual worship service" during the COVID-19 pandemic that hit in March 2020. Following is the text of that sermon ...

Link to printable copy of sermon

John 20:19-31

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Judeans, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.

Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe."